Academic status
Applicants may be in two categories (a) 2024 graduates or those expecting to graduate in early 2025, or (b) recent graduates from 2019 onwards, who have been building additional work experience to improve their potential for impact in their chosen field.
George Moore Scholars are selected from the higher education institutions across the island of Ireland.
Applicants may only apply for support for a course that will begin in the future and not courses they are already undertaking.
Applicants to the Early Career Scholars programme for courses commencing in 2025 must have completed their primary degree in 2019 or later, provided they have been building work experience relevant to their chosen field of study. Early Career Scholars will normally be applying for programmes that would have a preference for candidates with additional experience in advance of undertaking the Master's degree.
Applicants who are not applying for the Early Career Scholars award category must either hold a degree, or expect to graduate in 2025, from a higher education institution in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland at the time of taking up the scholarship.
Applicants are wholly responsible for securing a place on a Master's degree programme in a university outside of the island of Ireland. Master’s degrees in Northern Ireland are not considered as part of the programme. Evidence of acceptance on a programme abroad, or evidence of applications to institutions, must be provided as part of the application.
Scholarships will not be awarded until all documentation has been uploaded and submitted.
Applicants must provide a letter of offer on a Master's degree programme, including terms and conditions of the offer, from the host institution as soon as it becomes available. Applicants will not usually have this offer until the Scholarship application date has closed in November. Most applicants receive offers from higher education institutions between March and June each year. This means you will be submitting the George Moore Scholars application well in advance of receiving a master’s degree offer.
Applicants may submit only one application a year. Previously unsuccessful applicants may reapply.